Tuesday 7 October 2014

sallah casualties! Boko haram behead seven in borno

THIS IS REALLY BLOOD CHILLING in addition to their onslaught on Vimtim, Boko Haram militants also killed seven people yesterday in a town in Borno State, residents and an official said, with reports indicating that the victims were beheaded in a revenge attack. The overnight raid targeted the town of Ngamdu, reported AFP. When locals woke they discovered “seven people had been brutally killed,” said resident Musa Abor. The gunmen “slit their (victims) throats just the way people slaughter goats,” he added. Abor and a Borno State official, who asked that his name be withheld, said the bodies had been decapitated, in the latest act of gruesome violence blamed on the Islamists who have killed more than 13,000 people since 2009. In recent months, Boko Haram insurgents have launched reprisals at locals who have fought alongside the military as vigilantes. An army officer in Borno, who also requested anonymity, said 15 Boko Haram fighters were killed in clashes in Ngamdu two weeks ago and the group had vowed revenge against the community. Those killed yesterday could not immediately be identified as vigilantes and the Defence Ministry were not available to comment on the attack or the alleged beheadings. Also, at least eight people were killed in Cameroun yesterday in a rocket attack blamed on the terrorist group, security officials said. A police officer told AFP that Boko Haram militants fired the rocket from the Nigerian town of Banki which hit the town of Amchide in the far north of Cameroun. “The rocket landed in Amchide, killing eight civilians and injuring many more. We fear that the number of dead will rise,” said the policeman, who asked not to be named. A Camerounian security agent said the rocket landed on a road where many people were shopping. Boko Haram took control of Banki several weeks ago and the militants have tried to make incursions across the border into Amchide. The residents of Amchide have set up self-defence groups to fight off the Islamists.

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